A simple workflow for async {shiny} with {callr}

An approach to simplify and standardize async calls in {shiny} apps using {callr}




In the R/Shiny community we are fortunate to have several approaches for async programming. It is an active field of development with a variety of options depending on the needs of the application. For examples and deeper overviews of the state of async programming in R, head over to Veerle van Leemput’s writing, the Futureverse documentation or the mirai / crew repos.

In this post, I am going to focus on an approach to simplify making multiple async calls in shiny applications. Really, it boils down to developing a module that wraps the initialization and polling of a callr::r_bg process into a single function, and makes it easier write a larger async-capable shiny app while keeping the code a bit shorter, and more compact.

The problem

I am working on refactoring a relatively large shiny application where many of the computations are time-consuming. Ideally, I would like to convert the major bottlenecks into async routines. Typically, is is done by setting up future/promise constructs or sending a job to a subprocess, keeping the main shiny process free, and then polling the subprocess ‘manually’ to fetch the result (callr/mirai/crew).

After reviewing the available options, and trying a few things, I decided to go with callr for async, although the mirai, and crew where close seconds. This choice was mostly because of callr’s simplicity and because I have previous experience with it.

The callr workflow can be sumarised in the following steps:

  • send a call to the subprocess (possibly within a reactive and dependent on events within shiny)
  • monitor the status of the background process to know when to fetch the results
  • the polling observer has to have a switch, so we don’t waste resources on polling while there is nothing running.

In all, its probably some 15-20 lines of code, depending on the complexity of the function call we are sending to the subprocess. It looks something like this:

# The function we want to run async
# (sleep is added to mimic long computation)
head_six <- function(x, sleep) {

# the r_bg call
args <- list(head_six = head_six, x = my_data, sleep = 5)
bg_process <- callr::r_bg(
  func = function(head_six, x, sleep) {
    head_six(x, sleep)
  args = args,
  supervise = TRUE

# turn on polling after the task has been sent to the subprocess
poll_switch <- shiny::reactiveVal(TRUE)

# reactive to store the result returned by the subprocess
result_rct <- shiny::reactiveVal(NULL)

# monitor the background process

  alive <- bg_job()$is_alive()
  if (isFALSE(alive)) {

# do stuff with `result_rct()`

Having to write this in 20 different places where async might be needed in an application is definitelly a chore, not to mention error-prone as one needs to keep track of the names of the process objects, polling switches, and result reactives. Then of course, some async bits would need to respond to events, like button clicks or other reactives in the shiny session, while others would need to run without explicit triggers, adding to the complexity and maintanence of the codebase.

The solution

I wanted to simplify the above process and make it quicker to write the async code. I wanted a function or a module server that would take a function by name and its arguments and then run the function in a background process, poll the process and return the result when ready. Additionally, I wanted this module to be flexible enough such that one can trigger the execution from the outside (e.g., from the parent module) or to run without external triggers.

In the end, I came up with a solution with 3 components: the function that does the long computation, an async version of this function, and a module server that will do the shiny things. Bellow are the 3 parts starting with the trivial head_six function (same as above):

# The function we want to run async
# (sleep is added to mimic long computation)
head_six <- function(x, sleep) {

The async version of the function is a wrapper that is prepared manually for the function we need to run async. It is abstracting the callr::r_bg call, and can live in a separate script (together with the function it wraps) instead of the shiny server. There probably are ways to generate this function with code, and I might try that soon, but for now creating this wrapper does not bother me much. Having an async function that you can test and debug interactivelly might actually be preferred.

# Async version of `head_six`
# calls `r_bg` and returns the process object
head_six_async <- function(x, sleep) {
  args <- list(head_six = head_six, x = x, sleep = sleep)
  bg_process <- callr::r_bg(
    func = function(head_six, x, sleep) {
      head_six(x, sleep)
    args = args,
    supervise = TRUE

The third part is the function (module server) that calls the async version of the function doing the time-consumig task. The module also has reactives to switch polling on/off, and an observer to monitor and fetch the result. It returns a list with two elements, a reactive with the result of the async job, and a function that updates the polling reactive (poll_rct) that allows one to initiate the task from the outside. For example if we had a button in another module that should trigger the computation inside this async module.

mod_async_srv <- function(id, fun_async, fun_args, wait_for_event = FALSE) {
  moduleServer( id, function(input, output, session){
    res_rct <- shiny::reactiveVal(NULL)
    poll_rct <- shiny::reactiveVal(TRUE)

    if (isTRUE(wait_for_event)) {

    bg_job <- reactive({
      do.call(fun_async, fun_args)
    }) |> bindEvent(poll_rct())

      message(sprintf("checking: %s", id))

      alive <- bg_job()$is_alive()
      if (isFALSE(alive)) {
        message(sprintf("done: %s", id))

      start_job = function() poll_rct(TRUE),
      get_result = reactive(res_rct())


Note that this is not a typical shiny module, in that it does not have (and does not strictly need) a UI part. So we don’t have to worry about the namespace (ns <- session$ns) inside it. We simply want to observe and return. One could add a UI component to, perhaps, notify the user about the progress (checking, checking, … done) of the async job.

With this module, refactoring to async becomes more streamlined. For example, we could have a scenario like this.

server <- function(input, output, session) {

  # async job triggered on event (input$go_async_job1)
  async_job1 <- mod_async_srv(
    id = "job1_srv",
    fun_async = "job1_async",
    fun_args = list(x = x, z = z),
    wait_for_event = TRUE

  observeEvent(input$go_async_job1, {

  output$x <- renderPlot({

  # async job that runs without external intervention
  async_job2 <- mod_async_srv(
    id = "job2_srv",
    fun_async = "job2_async",
    fun_args = list(a = a, b = b),
    wait_for_event = FALSE

  output$y <- renderPlot({

Note that the two instances of mod_async_srv use different async functions with different sets of arguments, and are triggered in different ways. Providing some flexibility, while keeping the server code minimal.

Nothing special here, no magic, just some wrappers to make life a bit easier when writing large shiny applications with async capabilities.


To test out this approach you can download the following gist. In it, I have two callr background async jobs, to show the head of iris and mtcars, with different sleep time. The iris job waits for user click, while the mtcars job runs on its own when the app starts. Neither async job blocks the main shiny process, as they are both in the background, so the slider and histogram work throughout.

head_six <- function(x, sleep) {
head_six_async <- function(x, sleep) {
args <- list(head_six = head_six, x = x, sleep = sleep)
bg_process <- callr::r_bg(
func = function(head_six, x, sleep) {
head_six(x, sleep)
args = args,
supervise = TRUE
mod_async_srv <- function(id, fun_async, fun_args, wait_for_event = FALSE) {
moduleServer( id, function(input, output, session){
res_rct <- shiny::reactiveVal(NULL)
poll_rct <- shiny::reactiveVal(TRUE)
if (isTRUE(wait_for_event)) {
bg_job <- reactive({
do.call(fun_async, fun_args)
}) |> bindEvent(poll_rct())
message(sprintf("checking: %s", id))
alive <- bg_job()$is_alive()
if (isFALSE(alive)) {
message(sprintf("done: %s", id))
start_job = function() poll_rct(TRUE),
get_result = reactive(res_rct())
ui <- shiny::fluidPage(
shiny::actionButton("go_iris", "Go Iris"),
# shiny::actionButton("go_mtcars", "Go Mtcars"),
shiny::sliderInput("slider", "Observations", min= 10, max = 100, value = 50),
server <- function(input, output, session) {
iris_result <- mod_async_srv(
id = "iris_srv",
fun_async = "head_six_async",
fun_args = list(x = iris, sleep = 5),
wait_for_event = TRUE
}) |> bindEvent(input$go_iris)
output$iris <- shiny::renderPrint({
mtcars_result <- mod_async_srv(
id = "mtcars_srv",
fun_async = "head_six_async",
fun_args = list(x = mtcars, sleep = 2),
wait_for_event = FALSE
output$mtcars <- shiny::renderPrint({
output$some_plot <- shiny::renderPlot({
hist(sample(1000, input$slider))
shiny::shinyApp(ui, server)


In this post I went over an approach to organize callr background async jobs using a module, in order to make the async code faster to write, less error prone and overall cleaner.