Deploying Plumber API to AWS Elastic Container Service

Notes on deploying Plumber API to AWS ECS.
Posit Connect


Plumber API on ECS: Background

Recently, I started a new position where part of my role is to support colleagues in the final steps of getting a data product out of the door. This will, eventually, involve doing various administrative and development tasks on Posit Team. However, before we can actually get on the Posit Team train, a deadline was looming for deploying a Plumber API. The API runs some simulations about host-parasite interactions in marine fish and is a back-end for a video game that lets users modify parameters, like treatments, to better understand parasite loads and fish biomass. This needed to be tested before making it public.

Getting to the point where even one can think about AWS was no simple task, though. One thing that almost always stands out when seeing R code in the wild is that a lot of things still work in a non-reproducible way. Often with source-ing scripts with hard-coded paths, and setting working directory (setwd()) for setting the correct environment. It seems like R makes it really easy to write code that works, but not necessarily in a production setting.

Of course, this is not novel insight, and is not meant to pile on criticism on R users. Many of them are scientists, statisticians, or researchers whose main priorities are doing science, writing mathematical models, and performing advanced statistical analyses. This is not exactly the same as writing easily deployable code, which requires an altogether different experience and skillset, like reading source code and software documentation, rather than research articles and experimental protocols.

Always write a package

I started where I usually start when refactoring a project: by converting the scripts into an R package. The benefits of this are documented in many places across the internet, and specifically the topic for adding an API to a package has popped up a few times as well.

A common pattern for packaging {plumber} code is to write and export functions in the same way one would for a typical R package. Then, after loading the package, the API endpoints simply call exported functions. The API typically lives in inst, so its available as a system.file after installing the package, which is important, and simplifies things with Docker downstream.

All of these considerations were important for this project, since further down the line, people with no particular experience in R needed to test the API (in our case the game developers). And once the package was there it was simple to create a docker image that installs the package, and runs the API with the help of the dockerfiler package.


However, for a real test of the API we needed to have it public on the internet. Having the docker image ready, I was happy to learn that it is relatively simple to deploy containerized applications on AWS using AWS Copilot-cli.

There are some pre-requisites to deploying wit copilot-cli. Of course you need an AWS account. And you should set up your AWS credentials, such as default region and access key. The easiest way to go about this is to use the aws cli to set it up. After installing the cli for your operating system, running aws configure should prompt you to enter the needed credentials. After you set that up, aws configure list should print the current profile, and you can check that everything is correct.

The next step is to install copilot-cli for your operating system. The documentation for copilot-cli provides an example app to be deployed. It is a good idea to deploy the example just see what you can expect when deploying your container as well.

If you browse through the example repository after the deployment is completed you will see some of the new files that were created by copilot. The example-app folder has a file called manifest.yml which has the details for the app as infrastructure-as-code. Going through this file is useful to understand what is happening behind the scenes.

Deploying the API then was a simple process. Running copilot init in the API repository prompts to answer few questions – the same as in the example. Then copilot sets up the infrastructure and deploys the test environment.

Success! Or so I thought. The first deployment of the API failed.

There were a couple of tweaks that I needed to do.

One, I needed to set up a custom health check path. The “Hello World” endpoint of the API was at ‘/hello’, so I had to correct that in the manifest.yml file.

Two, I needed this API to run over HTTPS, so I had to add domain settings to the Load Balanced Web Service. I was lucky enough to have one of those domains-for-a-side-project-I-never-got-to-do lying around, so at least I didn’t have to buy a new domain for this test deployment.

Three, I added Autoscaling to the service, and increased the CPU and Memory size used by the containers. This was a good way to see how the API will handle the tests. All of these changes go into the manifest.yml file.

Clean up

After the testing was done, removing everything from AWS was a simple thing. Running copilot app delete deletes all the resources that copilot set up for the API. This is great because you don’t have to worry about forgetting some resource which will continue to incur costs on AWS.


This article provides an overview of deploying an R Plumber API in as a containerized application on AWS using copilot-cli.